Of boobs and online romance

So psyched to have two creative nonfiction pieces out this month in anthologies from Caitlin Press and Little Fiction | Big Truths! I’m in truly fine company in each (Nancy Lee! Stacey May Fowles! Sierra Skye Gemma! Many others!), and both publishers were a treat to work with.  The anthologies are:

Edited by Amanda Leduc and Troy Palmer
Little Fiction | Big Truths

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“Sixteen diverse essays that explore how various forms of technology have impacted our lives, loves, families and futures.”

My piece, The Archive, asks whether the internet has changed the way we remember love.


Boobs: Women Explore What It Means to Have Breasts
Edited by Ruth Daniell
Caitlin Press
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“A diverse collection of stories about the burdens, expectations and pleasures of having breasts. From the agony of puberty and angst of adolescence to the anxiety of aging, these stories and poems go beyond the usual images of breasts found in fashion magazines and movie posters, instead offering dynamic and honest portraits of desire, acceptance and the desire for acceptance.”

My piece, A Site of Potential, discusses breasts as ongoing sites of contemplation, expectation, and change.

Big thanks to the folks at Little Fiction | Big Truths and Caitlin Press!